Sales Force
Automation - The Real Issues
Knowledge How much revenue do you risk losing owing to better
after sales support from competition? or extended
warranties? Or Price? How much do you truly stand to gain, if you
discount against competition this quarter. Or are your customer
issues price-independent?
Efficiency How much time do your salespeople spend bound to a
PC or booting their laptops to enter data? Do your
salespeople have to connect through constrained browsers on cellular
phones to access critical information? Does this discourage them
from looking up valuable information while with your customers? Do
your salespeople have the information they really need, while they
sit getting quizzed before your customer or prospect, (who is
possibly logged into the customer area of your competitor’s website
for updated stock status, shipping detail, price and lead time for
Accuracy Multiple quotes can get generated during the sales
cycle. So how do you ensure your quotations are more
attractive than your competitors? Remember, its not just about the
price of what your offering. Is there any data that could have been
captured to ensure an increase in order probability?
Perspective Financial and order processing systems can never
give your salespeople the information they need to make a high value
sale. Such information is post-quotation information.
Your customer’s buying decisions rely on critical information
exchange and capture, even prior to quotation.
The solution lies in managing the sales front end through
easy to use, non invasive applications that allow for unrestricted
usage irrespective of location, PC and network availability. This
can allow for effective capture and exchange of relevant
Read on to find out how
SquidSALES, UWCT’s mobile SFA, fulfils these challenges.